Thursday, October 7, 2010

About D

about d... wat i can say for u?

seems like ur dictionary is quite different from mine?
ur simple seems still complicate for me
and wat ur mind always thinking?

and wat do "dear" "darling" reali mean to u?
they reali mean sth to everyone
but r u counted in? i doubted
playing fools around n making fun of ppl
those innocent

ur definition to 'fren'
oh gosh tat reali freaks me
quite a wide range, dun u?

whoever u met (sry for those unlucky
watever u done (yayaya~u'll always b the right one, u r absolute
n till when u'll stop all these? (i wonder)

tat wont be an ans for it
no one can figure out
we r all mortal
not a saint, like u
and we all hav sins
not for a saint, like u

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