Saturday, October 30, 2010

stay smart

try to be curious
and stay alert
to those wat u used to believed

coz habitual actions n minds
might kill

Friday, October 15, 2010

So be it

n now im here to announce
u r busted
no more in my life
n tiz shall b the last time u mentioned
in my place

i like things going simple
easy and gracefully

getting used of sth is reali nth good
it is fatal
however, it is shapeless
and traceless
u'll nvr find out whenever u've addicted to it
where and when
once u noticed, it's too late for u
to pull urself out

i've been too, once
getting use to hav u by my side every morning
getting use to chat wif u on phone
getting use to enjoy wat u gave me
getting use wif ur smiling face

but i chose to leave u
coz the way u born to be
we r not meant to be together
though i knew my leaving doesnt mean anything to u
dun ever deny

i hav my plain life now
good for me
u'r once my beloved
n u knew i cherish u
hm...seems like u dun
so be it, do watever u wan

nth between u and me
from now on
im clear im single im fine im still be able to smile

ps:i cut my finger nails , juz as between us
no more nails building...for u
i knw i wont repeat tat

Thursday, October 7, 2010

About D

about d... wat i can say for u?

seems like ur dictionary is quite different from mine?
ur simple seems still complicate for me
and wat ur mind always thinking?

and wat do "dear" "darling" reali mean to u?
they reali mean sth to everyone
but r u counted in? i doubted
playing fools around n making fun of ppl
those innocent

ur definition to 'fren'
oh gosh tat reali freaks me
quite a wide range, dun u?

whoever u met (sry for those unlucky
watever u done (yayaya~u'll always b the right one, u r absolute
n till when u'll stop all these? (i wonder)

tat wont be an ans for it
no one can figure out
we r all mortal
not a saint, like u
and we all hav sins
not for a saint, like u

Saturday, October 2, 2010


那样很好 =)


再不追就赶不上了,对吧? =)

Imma particle now
the positively charged one
imma proton =D
a big smile for me n everyone love me