Monday, April 11, 2011

once in a morning....

do u ever hav a feeling of having great motivation to do something or some normal thing but everything juz went wrong? yea..i did. this morning , juz now. Feel frustrated when things went wrong. i was juz only going to uni to attend my lecture n the damn bus service drives me to the edge of crazy. waiting for bus for an hour? how ridiculous it is, i mean the bus service. not the first time and it will never be the last time. i wonder how m i going to hav tiz kinda sucks condition in the coming three years. and yes, my another greater morning is ruined, right after a really bad night. same thing, i juz wanna to do chores but some outer factors make me cant finish it as i wish.
What really happens tiz few days? really cant stand if there is any little thing tat's gonna to make my day spoiled.

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