Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Coming plan

yea~finally i got thru ma final exam for 2nd sem
hope tat i won fail any of them
*limwei: pray hard hard*
and tiz will become one of my reasons to go for dhd,hehe

in da coming holiday
im gonna earn some for maself
for ma coming bday present (isnt it still far?
i juz wanna reach my dhd

as u knw, i hav so much craze on it
i wont deny im kinda addicted =p
so far, wat's dhd actually?
u'll hav some idea after watching video below

yup!! it's HTC DESIRE HD
imma huge htc fans
curious abt y not iphone?
honestly, iphone mayb had the best touch screen in the world
and retina display is awesome
BUT, it juz doesnt turn me on
and most of apple users r sooooo arrogant (sry no offence @@
claiming themselves to be trendy
plus~~~they believe all phones over the world r copying iphone tech
look at tis

EPIC!! had iphone ever done tiz? NOPE
it takes only juz a blink and it's done
thumbs up for tat superb boot up

wait for me,dhd!!! im coming for ya~~~~
*kinda crazy ppl here*
and lastly~~
if u ppl wanna gimme anything on my bday
kindly buy tiz
tiz is INSANE !!
no one can buy me tat =(
if u reali wanna giv me tiz
kindly check the price b4 u buy

i guess tat's all i wanna grumble here

Conclusion:sooo much to spend but so less i hv= =
greediness gonna drives me poor T^T

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