Sunday, August 22, 2010


this week has been a very bz week
lots n lots of assignments
n outing wif frenz of coz

it's quite hapi tat
i learnt a few these days
only one i'll wrote down here, right now
in case of making this purpose of this post clearer

mayb u r down
i know~for sure
u'll be energetic on tmr moring, dun u?=)
gloomy n moody r not ur style

u know
different from the distance and path
tat mentioned by S
there is a long path
in front of us
and i wont be myself now
if werent u
u can tell me whatever u wan
u can ask me anything
i'll lend me my hand
to make sure u wont fall
when u taking a big step forward
juz keep tiz in mind =)

i might be moody
and weak when facing my prob
not in ur case.
buckle up !!!

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