Friday, July 30, 2010


I got flu, feeling sick now
and it's raining

i hate those
those make me miss u

feel like hugging u
coz cold outside
feel like u'r juz by my side
when i was wearing my shirt
the scent
was juz like when we're together

and ur scent
and ur smile
and u

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Right b4

U'r waiting for a train
a train that going to take u far far away
u duno which direction u'r heading to
n u duno how long is the journey
u wish u knew
but all of those unknowns dun matter

bcoz i'm with u

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


i know u luv me, dear
reali, i mean it
and i luv u too.

thx for taking care of me so much
for all those years.
nothing much i can do for u
and i think
neither a simply thx nor a smile
will do

i'll try my best
to make u hapi
n do everything tat i promised
whether they r in my heart or in words

i luv u.
simple, easy and without keeping down anything
all i want from u, is to trust me.
thx D =)

Sunday, July 18, 2010


i knew u'r not a clean person
at least u'r not that filthy

and then u proved urself
is a reali reali disgusting n nasty person
juz like i expect

nth can stop u
nth can keep u
and no one can chg u
should i praise u for ur determination?

i wont bother u more
that ur business, not mine, anymore
all i can do
is to feel glad myself
for not being polluted by u

n please
dun pollute others ok?
except the one u hav

Tuesday, July 13, 2010




Sunday, July 11, 2010

on the path

the bridge to my heart is furnished
but quite shocked to find that
smtg tat familiar with had chg into white
and grey, cold feeling

wat's up and down had become flat
than ever it had used to be
no more dust n no more filth
juz peace here.

much chgs on everything
n as usual
all the things tat running backwards
seems quite sad today
but im not

my hands r not urs
not those that u used to hold tight
n neither those tried to get u

tat's not the prob tat more or less
nobody can be blamed
n sry is not suitable for anything happened
it's juz u had to let go

Friday, July 9, 2010


for the one 17months ago
how'r u now? still suffering or had just thrown all away
nearly forgot abt u
no worth to be remembered, u said
i wish to, but nobody teach me how

reali hate that
i cant live nicely coz of being haunted
not only me is the victim
i know wat's ur style
always leaving wif lots n lots of questions
wat's the solution? u din tell

no one seems like reali know wat r u talking abt ya?
u knw who will be the one isnt it?
quite obvious the answer

after all, i felt reali good talking to u
getting better than ever b4 the last time we met
i know u hav ur path to go
i'll juz c u walk away from far far away
somehow i felt u'r juz like my child
watching ur growth n walk away is a nature
though unbearable but still tears cant keep anything from chging
all the best for u
have ur own life hav long as u hapi

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


let me sing a song for u, ok?
let me drive u everywhere, ok?
let me take u all the way with me, ok?

how about the others tat will fade away as time flows? u asked
let me fade away with u.... ok?

Monday, July 5, 2010

The highly-blended

there is something, something that is born to be with u
once u were brought to tiz earth
so dun, pls dear, dun attempt for changing any of them

so how,
sometimes i feel like doing charity all the time.
i don think im being noble or wat
im not a saint

if u ever highly look upon me
here, thx for tat n stop tat now
im not tat good (im neither a villain though, of course)

i have my own way of living
i have my own way of thinking
i have my rights to delibrate my thoughts
n i have my choice to be who i am

i dun mind wat's ur thinking abt me
n most important is, i dun care, anymore
mayb imma destroyer in ur eyes
but sry, angel's gone. who am i?
im me, nobody but myself~

standing still n stay steady
to face any coming frustration.